Supported Charities

"of the community, for the community."
Unlike many choirs and choral societies, we do not charge for tickets to our concerts, instead accepting a voluntary contribution from audiences via a collection at the end of the concert. The money collected (less concert expenses) is then split between a donation to a nominated charity or good cause and the concert venue.​​​​
Donations have been made to the following organisations since the choir's inception:
​Age UK Oxfordshire
The Archway Foundation
Aspire Oxfordshire
Cecily's Fund
The Children's Society, Oxford
DEC Rohingya Emergency Appeal
Dogs For Good
The Good Grief Project
Helen and Douglas House
HMP Grendon Artists in Residence
Katharine House Hospice Music Therapy Appeal
The Koestler Trust
Lawrence Home Nursing Team
Lights Up Arts Memory Clubs
The Listening Centre
Hands Up/Singing For Syrians
Sobell House Hospice
Syria Relief/Hands Up Foundation
Trax, Oxford
The Wychwood Project